School Uniform
Red sweatshirts or sweatshirt cardigans bearing the school logo can be purchased from Screens of Lowestoft. These can be purchased either online from their website or direct from their shop in Lowestoft.
In order to help us return items of lost property, all items of clothing MUST be clearly labelled with the child’s name please.
We are able to offer second-hand uniform sweatshirts on request. Please contact the school office if you require one of these.
Hobart High school now recommend that children wear mouth guards for sports such as hockey and tag rugby. We also feel this is advisable and therefore suggest all children in Years 2 and above to be provided with a mouth guard.
indoor pe kit
Children should wear plain black shorts and plain white t-shirts.
A pair of plimsolls is also required for children in Classes 1 and 2.
outdoor pe kit
Children will also require an Outdoor PE Kit comprising black jogging bottoms, a plain white T shirt and a red hoodie. School hoodies with the Glebeland badge are available to order via the School Trends website. You may, of course, provide a hoody from any other supplier if you prefer, but this must be plain red please. Suitable footwear eg trainers or football boots is also required.
swimming kit
When swimming, it is a requirement that all children wear a swimming hat. Boys should wear trunks or jammers, not shorts, and girls a one-piece suit. NO EARRINGS are allowed so if your child has pierced ears please ensure earrings are removed before coming in to school. A named drawstring bag is ideal for keeping items of PE clothing safe.
arts & crafts kit
For art and craft activities some form of protection is necessary. This may be an apron, an old T shirt or a shirt worn back to front.
Outdoor Learning Kit
All of the child have one Outdoor Learning session every week. This applies throughout the year so in the colder month it is important that they have warm clothes and a pair of wellies. Outdoor learning sessions often involve water or muddy activities so for outdoor learning kit the emphasis is on OLD clothes.
Suggested kit would be:
* wellies/old trainers
*jogging bottoms, old trousers or tracksuit bottoms
*long sleeved top (or short during summer)
*waterproof jacket/hoodie